breaking the lies devotional by cara gibson

Breaking the Lies

30-Day Devo

It's time to stop believing lies that the Enemy is feeding women every day and start learning + embracing God's truth.

Ditch the lies for good.

If you've been struggling with thoughts like…

“I'm not worth anything.”

“I have to hustle and strive to get anywhere in life.”

“God won't forgive me for what I've done."

“My life will always be this way.”

“My value is determined by my job or what I do.”


Then, this devotional is for you!  We simply cannot fulfill the things God has planned for us to do when we are hearing + believing lies about ourselves.


We need God's truth to speak louder than the lies.





Know these thoughts all too well?


I don't really have anything to share with the world.


I'm too old/young to do that.


I'll never have friends/a spouse.


I can't overcome my fears.

We won't pass the lies onto our children.  Let it stop with you.

Reader Review #1

This is really good Cara! One of my gals in vintage group was just telling me about her struggles with this so of course I emailed to her and suggested she give you a follow.  As I’ve told you, YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION! God has given you a great gift!


Reader Review #2

I've been loving the devotionals!  I've got to prioritize and dig myself out of a hole at work and in marriage.  I realize I'm harboring resentment that I'm pulling the majority of the weight for the parental workload.

Reader Review #3

I have really enjoyed the devotional! Thanks, Cara, for sharing!  Time is something I struggle with- I keep reminding myself of the verses you shared.

Ready to get the devotional + bonus video Bible study?


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What's inside the devo package?


30-day devotional

Each day you'll read one lie from the Enemy and combat it with the truth from God's Word.

It's an easy but powerful read, about 10 minutes per day.


Multiple scripture references for each day's devotion so that you can learn all that God has to say about the most common lies we hear as women.


6-week video Bible study where we go in depth from each week's devotional topics.


The devotional in eBook download to print and keep forever, as well as daily emails for easy access to your devo each morning.


Cara Gibson

I remember as a little girl I would run upstairs to my room, get out all my stuffed animals, set them down in rows, and get out old textbooks my elementary school had let me keep from past school years.  My mother would find me hours later with a red pen grading my stuffed animals' papers :) I've always known I would be a teacher.  My calling as a teacher has looked very different for me over the years, and more recently, evolved into writing as well.  I realized several years ago with the help of the Holy Spirit that I would be teaching natural principles in health and fitness, as well as spiritual growth to the Body of Christ in the Word of God.

The Enemy has no real power over us, friend.

Jesus defeated him a long time ago, and it's time for us to know the truth and live it out.

After reading this devotional, you'll feel empowered by God's Word.

The Lie:  I'll never be someone else's focus.

The Truth:  You are the delight of Jesus.

The Lie:  The way I look determines my opportunity.

The Truth:  Jesus will promote you at the right time.

The Lie:  I can't make it through this time.

The Truth:  Jesus left us The Comforter, our Friend, to help us make it through anything.

We will stand on the truth of God's Word and we will overcome victoriously!